Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Family Math Night -February 27, 6:00-7:30pm in the cafeteria

Family Math Night will be tomorrow, February 27, from 6:00-7:30 pm.
The focus is Bridges Third Grade Math Curriculum, The Common Core State Standards in Math and Bridges Number Corner.  We will have a variety of Work Places (math practice) for third, fourth and fifth grades.
There will be food, prizes,  Math games, and an estimation jar.
Come join us for the fun!
Valerie McKenzie

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valerie's Valentine Craft Emporium tomorrow!!

Tomorrow we continue a tradition of card making from 10:30-11:30.  The twist is that kids have a "budget" and have to use math skills to stay on budget.  I could use some extra hands to help with the crafting.  I know this is short notice but the snow days have left me a little dazed.  Come join the fun!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

PPS has announced 1:00 dismissal, today, Thursday, February 6.

This is the information I have just received:
PPS has announced 1:00 dismissal.
Parents are instructed to pick up their child ASAP, in which case the office will call for the student.
We will have lunch as usual.  Indoor recess!
At 1:00 teachers will dismiss students to their parents or approved adult.
If we have not heard from parents of students who walk home, we are required to hold them until regular dismissal time.
--I don't know what that will look like as administrators will be making every effort to get the staff members on their way home as well.  I realize this can be a hardship for many of you.  Thanks for your support.
Valerie McKenzie

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Valentine's Day Party Re-do

I sent out the information for the Valentine's Party and I can see it on one server but not the other.  So, here's the info:

Valentine’s Day Party!!
We will have a Valentine’s Party in Room 21 on February 14, from 2:15 to 3:00.
We will distribute valentines in class.  If students bring valentines, they need to include everyone.  They can also think about the specialists and office staff.  Candy is allowed in the Valentine, but they will not consume it all in class!!!
The “mailboxes” for the Valentines should reflect Portland.
Ideas can include:
The City of Roses
Sports Teams
Activities, etc. 
Let your imaginations take flight!!
Mailbox can be NO larger than one fourth a student desk.
 I'm sending the info home with kids today along with a class list.

Valentine's Day Party!