Monday, October 26, 2015

Re: Carnival

Hello Laurelhurst Families!
We are 4 days away from the Laurelhurst Carnival and we are eliciting one final plea for Volunteers! This is a super fun family event and an institution for our school.  The only way we can keep this event fun, successful and safe is by pulling together as a community and helping out.

On the sign up, each classroom is assigned to an activity within the carnival. We would love to have parents associated with a classroom to sign up for the corresponding carnival activity. Classrooms who have yet to complete their sign up include: Dixon, Heinrich, McAdams, Vigna, Zimmer and Hart.  We also need assistance for security, Teen Soda Lounge and Dunk Tank.

Parents: Sign up using the link below:
Students: Sign up using the link below:
Thank you for considering this request.  We look forward to seeing you.

Shannon Browning
Carnival Volunteer Coordinator

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


October 20, 2015

Dear Families,

Conferences begin tomorrow and I am very excited to share your student’s progress with you.  Conferences for me are a very emotional time.  I spend the weeks ahead thinking about your kids, holding them up and asking some important questions.   I wonder about how they are “fitting in”, are they making friends, are they comfortable with the routines of the classroom?  I have goals for them, academic and social.  I’m figuring out how to help them achieve them.  I want the best for them, just as you do.  I know that I have taught third grade many times but, it is your child’s only year in third grade.  I want it to be memorable, challenging, and ultimately satisfying.  
When we meet we’ll go over a fair amount of data.  We’ll look at reading scores, math scores and what their writing looks like.  I’ll show you the tools we use to reinforce the skills they are acquiring.  But I want to take time to hear your hopes for your student, what you think they need this year.  While I’m sure that we will agree about most things, there may be some we have to figure out together.  Above all, our goals are the same - we both want your student to thrive at Laurelhurst.

One of my former students wrote a poem that began,

Mrs. McKenzie’s really great,
She doesn’t like it when we’re late.

Please be on time for your conference, I want to honor our time together.
Thanks for all you do,
Valerie McKenzie