Friday, March 14, 2014

Biography -Non Fiction Writing

March 14, 2014
Dear Families,
                Students in room 21 have been researching an important person in history.  They have read about “their” person and made some notes on a graphic organizer.  From the organizer, they have written at least three paragraphs.  These paragraphs have topics such as; major achievements, early life, and challenges.  We are organizing that information, and more, into a lap book (I found them on Pinterest!).  Over the weekend I would like you to look at their work and, with them, edit the paragraphs for spelling, capitalization and punctuation, and complete sentences.  On Monday, we can begin to put together our mini books that will go into the lap book.  When I tell them they are going to work on their biographies –they cheer!!  Let’s keep this ball rolling!
                Thanks for your support,
                Valerie McKenzie