Monday, March 31, 2014

Third Grade Egg Drop 2014

Today, I sent home the information about the Third Grade Egg Drop.  Students are excited.  Please go over the information with them.  They have a lot to accomplish in the next three weeks.  There is a writing piece, a detailed drawing and a contraption to build.  Have fun!
Third Grade Egg Drop 2014

The Egg Drop is a highlight for third graders!  Your child needs to design something to put a raw egg into.  On Egg Drop Day he/she brings it to school and drops it out Mrs. McKenzie’s classroom window.  (The window opening is 25”X 15”.)  The contraption is limited to 5 pounds or less.  Your child will take apart his/her egg drop and see if it survived. 

            This activity is an introduction to writing a “Scientific Inquiry”.  Along with the egg drop, students need to draw their design and label the materials they used.  They also need to explain, in writing, how it was put together and why they feel their egg will survive the drop.

Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Time:             View the designs in classrooms from 9:00-9:30am

             9:30 –The Egg Drop

Place:  Spectators can assemble on the playground

              Great Photo Opportunity!!!

See you there!
Outline for Scientific Inquiry:
Question: Will a raw egg break or not break when it is dropped 20 feet out a window onto an asphalt surface?
1.      What I already know: (for example: an egg is fragile, the surface is hard and many materials can be used to cushion the egg.
2.     Prediction: I think….  This is the section where students explain what they think will happen and why they chose the materials they used.
3.     Procedure:  In this section, students explain how they put their egg drop together.  Include a drawing and a materials list.
4.     Conclusion:  This section will be completed after the egg drop.  They will record whether or not the egg survived and explain their results; why it survived or why it did not.
The first three sections are to be completed at home and turned in on Egg Drop Day.  They should be written in paragraph form.  The inquiry can be typed or neatly handwritten.