Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to Third Grade and Painted Paper Factory on Thursday and Friday--Help!

We’re off to a great start!

How wonderful to meet all of your third graders.  They are kind hearted and full of life.

            We spent the morning organizing our materials, beginning a Reading Workshop, meeting the new PE teacher –Mr. Lewis-- and making Glyphs (ask your student) that represent our feelings and thinking about math class.

In the afternoon we started our Storyline with Beverly Cleary’s book Henry Huggins.  Kids listened to Ms. Cleary’s introduction in which she describes how she came to write the book,  lots of discussion about what choices and decisions writers make.  We did a “close reading” with the first chapter and kids looked for evidence in the text that described the main characters.  (See the photos).  We prepared homework boxes and discussed homework before the three o’clock bell rang.

Whew!! That was a lot.

         Please mark your calendars for Back to School Night, Thursday, September 18, 6:30-8:00.  The event always begins in the cafeteria with introductions and then moves to classroom.  That is the time to sign up for fall conference which will be earlier this year--- The last week of October.  It is also the time to get the full run down on classroom procedures and expectations.  Our year together will be jam-packed and I will be expecting a lot from your students.  With the Common Core State Standards, teachers are preparing students for some rigorous testing and new curriculum to meet the standards.  During Back to School Night I’ll also talk about volunteer opportunities.  Some things just don’t happen without the help and support of parents.  Please consider volunteering to help with Writing Workshop, Math and such.

                One great opportunity happens this Thursday and Friday, September 4 and 5,  from 2:00-3:00.  For our Storyline we need to make a lot of painted paper.  It’s always fun to see kids mix the colors.  But it can get hectic.  Help us out, you won’t regret it.

                  The blog is up and running and it is the best way for me to let you know what is happening in the classroom.  Please let me invite you, send me an email with the tag line:  class blog, and I will use that email.  I’m NOT an expert at this but it is fun to learn as I go.

                                                                                                                Thanks for all you do,

                                                                                                                Valerie McKenzie

Close reading of the text.