Sunday, April 12, 2015

This week in room 21

Dear Families,

Tomorrow third graders will start their first round of Smarter Balanced testing.  I am excited to marshal them through their first testing experience.
I have been reading a lot of articles and op ed pieces in the paper around this year's tests.  I have some questions that won't be answered until we've taken the tests and seen the results.  What I can say is that we have worked hard to keep our focus on the content and the problem solving that is being tested.  All of the reading and analyzing, writing and citing sources, all of the highlighting and note taking is all good scholarship.  We have invested some time in practice and  looked at the lengthy instructions and "unpacked" them so that they can make sense to a third grader.
It is a fine dance, to prepare and practice and to stay relaxed and confident.  I am very proud of the work your kids have done with all of this.  They are ready.

They'll start with two, one hour sessions on Monday and Tuesday for the ELA CAT test.  This is reading a passage and answering multiple choice and short answer questions.  We'll have a follow-up session, the following Monday,  to capture the kids that haven't finished yet.  Then the following week, we'll have the ELA PT for another couple of hour long sessions.  That test involves reading two sources answering some questions and then writing a multi-paragraph  essay.  Whew!

In May we'll have a similar schedule for Math.  Since the results involve writing, we don't know exactly when we'll have the results, but not likely before the end of the year.  This test will not have an impact on their placement for next year.

I have heard from another teacher that the fourth graders liked the test, found it engaging and even, fun! It is more interactive and will adjust to how kids are doing, easing up or providing greater challenges.

What you can do is make sure kids get a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast.  Get them to school on time, as we are starting first thing.  I'll take care of the rest.

Tell them to do their best, if they do that, they'll be fine.  Then we'll have a good recess and back to solving math problems, writing biographies and preparing for Egg Drop Day.

                                                                          Enjoy your Sunday afternoon,
                                                                          Valerie McKenzie