Due to the Rose Show on the 29th we will postpone the Math Performance Task until the following week, starting either Monday or Tuesday. Please try to have your student in class on Monday, June 1st. We need full attendance to present the pre-lesson. Then we can take the test Tuesday and Wednesday. This test has been taking less time than the others, hooray! We'll all be glad to see the testing window close. Kids have worked so hard and I am so impressed by their stamina and willingness to try.
I've cancelled spelling tests for the rest of the year, lots of research says that with spelling tests, the gain is short lived. The best way to learn to spell is to read and write! Today, kids took at least 10 of the current spelling words and, either wrote sentences or wove them into a short story. These kids can write! They have a strong understanding of story arc and are providing details for the reader. I was so impressed!!!
Enjoy your three day weekend.