I'm back after a couple days of a cold/flu. Fun times! Sounds like the kids were great while I was gone, that always feels good.
This week we'll finish up the essay writing Performance Task of the Smarter Balanced Test. Good!
For homework, I'm sending home some Math games around liquid measurements (standard not metric) and probability. They reflect the work we've been doing in class. Also, I want kids to finish up their Egg Drop Presentations and I'll go over that with them today.
We are, also, finishing up our Biography Lap Books this week.
In third grade, we have several work samples to evaluate and submit to the district. We have:
- A writing sample, we usually use the narrative they wrote in class about Egg Drop Day.
- A scientific inquiry, guess what we'll use...
- A math problem solving sample, working on it.
- A speaking sample.
For the speaking sample, I thought I would let kids choose between their Biography project and their Egg Drop presentation. Both lend themselves to oral presentations. For the bio, kids could dress up as their subject and talk about their life and work and for the Egg Drop kids can use their presentation as a visual aid, they can dress up as a scientist/engineer for this one, too. The keys to the oral presentation are eye contact, content and NOT reading the text. I will work with them in class on these key points but this is homework. They will need you to practice on! Talk with them about it, I hope to know which they will do by the end of the week and we'll start scheduling them for next week. Thanks and email me if you have any questions.
Have a great week!