Monday, March 7, 2016

Play Information

I'm sending home a paper copy with every kid today:

Dear Families,

Here is the information about the play.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, we have a dress rehearsal at 9:15.  Kids come to school in their first costume change.  They bring any other costumes AND regular school clothes in a grocery bag.  The best bags are the reusable ones.  After the dress rehearsal, they’ll change into school clothes and take their bag home and we’ll do the same thing on Wednesday.  We will give our morning performance at 9:15 (I know I had said 9:30 but, I was wrong).  Again kids will change and take their costumes home.  Wednesday evening we have many parents coming to help set up the chairs for the performance.  This is a good time to grab a seat for your family members- the reward for setting up and staying to take things down.  Kids come to the classroom at 6:00pm.  Please keep an eye on them before that time, they can’t be upstairs or in hallways unsupervised.  The performance begins at 6:30pm.  What fun we’re going to have!  Kids, teachers, volunteers have worked really hard but, especially the kids.  As a result there is NO homework this week.  Let’s focus on our lines and our costumes and celebrate our efforts.

All the best,
Valerie McKenzie
Michelle Sweeney
Jeff Wilebski