Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Multiplying on a Number Line

Today I'm sending home some homework that shows kids how to multiply on a Number Line.  The Math Learning Center (Bridges- our math curriculum)  has a great app for using number lines.  It's free and the kids and I used it today. 
Here's the link: http://www.mathlearningcenter.org/resources/families
Just go to the free apps, it'll lead you to the app store.
There's a web version also.

I know that many of you don't have tablets, but I'm throwing this out, just in case.
Have fun!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder that Mr. Nelson will be on hand this afternoon to talk about volunteering for the third grade play.  He'll be in room 21 after school.  We'll need help setting up and taking down chairs and props on show days, running lines with kids, creating a program, etc.
Thanks and see you this afternoon.
Valerie McKenzie

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Informational Meeting with Mr. Nelson re: The Third Grade Play

Hi all,
Happy New Year!!  It has been a fun week of teaching after a rest at home.  I've really enjoyed catching up with the kids.
Thanks for the generous gifts from all of you.  Carol Wynn brought the gift cards in on Monday and I was surprised and caught off guard.  I'll have a personal thank you for the kids by Friday or Monday.
Mr. Nelson will have a parent meeting about volunteering to help with the play on Tuesday, January 14 at 3:00 in Room 21 (McKenzie).  This is for all third grade classes.  Come in and sign up to help with setting up chairs, running lines, teaching a dance, etc.  So much fun!
Valerie McKenzie