Friday, June 12, 2015

OOPS! Special Delivery Envelopes are still here!

Hi folks,
It was such a wonderful Coffee House yesterday afternoon.  Kids took such ownership of their writing and were poised and confident sharing their poems with us.
In the swirl of goodbyes we didn't get out the envelopes with some writing samples AND the CD of the Play, if you ordered it.  I'll have the file box outside my classroom today and Monday.  Please stop be and pick them up. So sorry for the inconvenience.
I have an assignment for the kids.  We didn't make copies of the Color Poems or the Haiku.  If kids can type them up on google docs and share them with me, I'll get them pulled together into a class book.  I can send that to our district print shop along with the I Am From poems,  and get them out to kids in September.  I just ran out of time this year..  But those Color poems were so cool, I'd love to have copies.  Call it "Summer Homework".
Thanks again for all your support this year. It has been a wonderful experience for me.
All love,

Monday, June 8, 2015

Walking Field Trip and the last few days!

Dear Families,
I'm sitting in the classroom while kids are in Music Class.  The fan is trying to cool down the room but, it is hot!  Here's hoping the temperature drops a little each day so that our Coffee House does not seem like a Sweat Lodge!  Hope you all can make it to our Coffee House event on the last day of school 2-3:00.

I'm planning a walking field trip to Laurelhurst Park for Wednesday afternoon.  This is something I usually do in the fall but, it didn't happen this year.  We'll look at the types of trees, talk about the history of the park and retell the legend about the Douglas Fir cones.  I'll have Ms. Orem with me so I am not pressed for volunteers.  If you would like to join us, you are more than welcome to do so.  This is a walking field trip within the neighborhood and the permission slip you signed at the beginning of the year should be sufficient.  I'll double check to see that I have one for every student.  We'll leave at 1:00 and return before 3:00.

We'll be taking down art work and sending home workbooks on Wednesday.  Each kid should have a grocery bag, paper or cloth, to put their things into.

It has been such a pleasure working with your kids, they are ready for fourth grade!

Thanks so much,
Valerie McKenzie